Project Management System Coaching Call Transcript Data Milestone Completion Interview Project Management System Coaching Call Transcript Milestone Completion Interview
Raw data type Goals and Plans for "Meaningful Engagement of Residents Most Affected by Inequities" Report to coaches about engagement activities Answer to Interview Question: How do you describe the results your SCALE community has achieved by engaging people with lived experience, including community champions, in your work? Goals and Plans for "Meaningful Engagement of Residents Most Affected by Inequities" Report to coaches about engagement activities Answer to Interview Question: How do you describe the results your SCALE community has achieved by engaging people with lived experience, including community champions, in your work?
Descriptive summaries The community has people with lived experience in their coalition; includes people with lived experience throughout the planning process; and has utilized input from people with lived experience to guide strategic direction of park network and partnership Their community champion (CC) meets, discusses, and plans with the community. They integrated people with lived experience in their Quarterly community meetings where they gather input for planning process. The community is developing “Friends of Groups” for all parks. They utilized input from people with lived experience to guide the strategic direction as a park network and partnership. They have integrated community members in their work. They trained CHIP implementation members on how to increase engagement in community and host listening sessions Specificity has helped them identify suitable Community Champion for their work "We have included people with lived experience in the Health Equity Action Labs and we were also able to provide an incentive... They were paid to provide input and be a liaison to the schools to inform the process and PDSAs each week to better connect folks to food."
Engaging People with Lived Experience (PLE) Themes
  • Recruitment strategies for intentional targeting of community champions
  • People with lived experience, including community champions, co-design intervention with the community
  • Feedback was solicited in an effort to engage the community and better understand their wants/needs
  • Growing leadership of people with lived experience, including community champions, by training them as new leaders, and providing professional development and/or mentorship opportunities
  • Community engaged and involved youth/adolescents as people with lived experience in their work
The process of bringing people with lived experience happened early on. People with lived experience helped to guide the strategic direction of the community's improvement efforts Youth were integrated into the community's transformation work as leaders and people with lived experience.
Engaging PLE Overall Concept The community engages people with lived experience in a number of roles, including as community champions, project leaders, trainers, organizers, key informants and participants throughout the course of the change process